75km South West of Jericho on the Blackall-Jericho Road
90km North East of Blackall

Area and Tenure
10,472 Hectares (25,876 Acres) GHPL 2/3953
Lot 2 on Crown Plan MX120 County of Mexico and Parish of Lancevale


Clee Hills comprises of 3000 acres of pulled country, which is thickly covered in Buffel Grass of which 850 acres has been blade ploughed.The remainder of the Country has open and semi open pockets of Iron Bark and Box interspersed with Lancewood ridges and wattle.
Fencing is in good to stock proof condition, comprising of new 4 Barb, older 3 Barb and some older dog netting fence with both steel and wooden posts.

Watered by 5 good permanent Dams and 1 share Bore on the Southern End of the property

Subdivided into 5 main and 2 holding paddocks

Carrying Capacity
250 – 300 Breeders, this could be increased up to 400 Breeders if the timber country is utilized as well.

Cattle Yards
Cattle Yards mostly portable panels, capable of handling 300 head with head bale,
Calf cradle, 4 way draft and loading ramp.

Agents Remarks
Clee Hills represents good value breeding and starter block or additional area that is well situated only 90km to the selling centre of Blackall. This property has the potential to be run by an absentee owner as there are no permanent structures.
Well worth an inspection if your in the market to buy.