AREA: 596 Acres F.H. (On 2 Titles)
SITUATED: On Monto – Gladstone Road, 18km North Monto and 3km from Mungungo Township.
SERVICES: Power. Phone. School Bus to Primary & Secondary Schools. Mail Service. Well located to Sale Yards at Monto & Eidsvold plus Meatworks and Saleyards at Biloela. Full town services in Monto.
COUNTRY: Undulating selectively cleared country, with nice open hollows, comprising a mix of 70% scrub and 30% forest country. Parts of the property have been cultivated in past years. Tubbercurrie is grassed with good natural grasses with Buffel Grass and Legumes introduced in recent years.
IMPROVEMENTS: Comfortable, well maintained home featuring 4 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and dining, office etc. Set easily maintained surrounds. 2 Bay Vehicle Shed at house.
Sheds & Yards: 14 x 14 metre hay and machinery shed. 2nd small shed. Good set of stock yards with head bail and loading ramp
Fencing: Property is fenced into 3 main paddocks, and smaller holding paddocks. Fencing is in good condition being mainly wooden posts and 4 barb wires.
Water: Property is well watered by 3 dams, 1 bore equipped with an electric pump which pumps to a storage tank and supplies the house and yards and is reticulated to some paddock troughs. A second bore on the property is equipped with a windmill tank and trough.
CARRYING CAPACITY: ” Tubbercurrie” Comfortably carries 100hd breeders with calves at foot to weaner age, plus replacement heifers. Will fatten equivalent number.
COMMENTS: “Tubercurrie” is an easily managed property, where all the hard work has been done. It is well located to Monto and all facilities, inspection is highly recommended.
PRICE: $775,000 (Offers Invited)