Leasehold Convenience/Post Office and Fuel Business.

Rolleston is located in the Bauhinia Shire of Queensland Central Highlands and can be reached from the Gregory Highway.
Rolleston is 70 kms east of Springsure and is the last fuel stop before heading towards Carnarvon Gorge National Park, Rolleston is also the closest town to Lake Nug Nuga.

Rolleston has a primary school and High school to yr 10.
A library, swimming pool, tennis courts, Transaction Centre, Hotel, Caravan Park, Rural Supply store.

The coal mine on the Springsure side of town has brought added business to the town. The surrounding rural community is of strong Grain and Cattle producing country.

Turnover for the year 2007 was $1,828,688
Priced to sell @ $65,000 Plus SAV
10 Year Lease available @ $40,000 pa plus cpi

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