Details & Features:-

Address -Archer Rd, Struck Oil. L2/MPH 25595. Parish Calliungal. Property is located 2 blocks down the road from the Struck Oil Sawmill.

Positive Features -

Land Area is 3.174 Ha OR 7.8 Acres
Corner block location (cnr Archer Rd and Boyles Rd).
Absolute Dee River frontage of 290 metres (Archer Rd frontage 355 metres & Boyles Rd frontage 117 metres).
Very level land.
Good river silt soil in extensive area near to the Dee River.
Lightly vegetated.
All weather access
Power & Phone directly in front of property.

Negative Features -

No bore or town water. However, property has very good potential for shallow underground water supply. All neighbors have successful high volume bore spears providing potable water.
Unsealed Archer Rd at front. However, bitumen along Archer Rd starts appox. 100metres up the road.

Lot 2 – Archer Road, STRUCK OIL
Wendy Marsh 0439 762 109