This iconic Winton Landmark Motel is perfectly located in the centre of Oondooroo Street with additional entrances from Manuka Street which is the entrance road into Winton and via a walkway through to Eldersleigh Street which is the Central Business District of Winton.
It is very conveniently located to access the Winton swimming pool complex which is just next door.
Named appropriately after the ledgendry ” Walzing Matilda” Song made famous by Banjo Patterson, the Matilda Motel is primed in the Winton Market for success.
Featuring 20 refurbished motel rooms which include a free standing cabin and two excellent residences this property is well suited to an extended family or a managed enterprise.
The kitchen and laundry also have been refurbished and are in excellent condition to service the motel.
An outdoor entertainment and recreation area is also a feature and is well utilised to complement the other facilities of the motel.
An extensive plant and equipment list is available to prospective purchasers together with financial information covering the past three years when a confidentiality statement has been signed.
See the website for more information & pictures.
The price is $1,150.00 which could be negotiated with a serious buyer.