Situated : 90 kilometres south west of Rockhampton

Area/Tenure : Approx. 485 hectares (1200 acres) Lot 111, Plan RN256, Parish of Dundee.

Country : Mix of softwood scrub and ironbark forest country. Approx. 800 acres of undulating scrub/forest country with the balance steeper forest country. The property is fully improved. Grasses include green panic, buffel and creeping blue grass.

Improvements : Property split into 2 main paddocks with holding paddocks at each watering points. Cattle yards. 2 equipped bores with windmills, tanks and troughs.

Carrying Capacity : Will comfortably carry 100 adult cattle in favourable conditions.

Comment : This property is relatively destocked and enjoying a good season. It makes an ideal small or additional grazing block.