DEFINITELY THE BEST RURAL HOME AVAILABLE. 10 acres of rich alluvial land with 1400 R2E2 mango trees – irrigated and exceptionally well maintained. Outstanding brick home, pool, huge sheds, very comfy guest house. A1 quality water and 13 megalitre licence.
This rambling home is so good it is like walking into a dream. Meticulous attention to detail is the most obvious first impression. This extends equally to the tropically landscaped gardens and pool.
Featuring large rooms, seemingly endless 3 metre wide verandahs on all 4 sides, cool tiles, richly combined brick and timber walls and ceilings, beautiful cottage kitchen, ensuite & walk-in robe … there is even a fire place! Here is a home in which you can leave behind the mad world and truly enjoy yourself.
You decide whether you want the mango plantation to be a hobby or a serious enterprise. Given that it is capable of up to 125 tonne yields from prime, well maintained, fully irrigated orchard trees, you really can get busy if you want to.
Sheds are 30 x 30 and 15 x 12m(approx. 12 pallet). Water is well sorted with a modern jet pump irrigating the entire plantation, and a separate pressure unit providing house supply. Rabbit-proof fencing protects the entire property.
To inspect this prestige property contact Brian Sellars on 0418 185 855