Property Name: Bowen Aggregation
Situation: Situated only 15 km from Bowen and 5km west of the Bruce Highway.
Services: Access is via East Euri Rd which is all bitumen. Rural power and telephone is connected to the property with 3 phase power to the bores. Bowen is a major coastal town providing most services and amenities.
Rainfall: The property is in the 1000mm (40) rainfall area. The summer wet season is dominant and the cooler months are very dry. Soy bean is proving an excellent wet weather crop in this area.
Area: 736.48 ha (1819 acres)
Tenure: Freehold
Country: Soil types include self mulching dark medium heavy clay, dark grayish loamy sandy loam, red/brown earth sandy clay loam. Soils generally comprise grey brown clay loams to darker clays with some red ridge. The soils are reasonably consistent throughout the property.
Cultivation: Total area except for areas with improvements, area under dam water depending on inundation and gullies drains head ditches and dam walls.
All the cultivation area has been laser leveled and the majority can be flood irrigated from storage dam and bores.
Water Storage: Dam: Approx 3300 megs total capacity
The dam is constructed with approx 100 metre concrete spillway with earth walls to specification, gravity filled via a diversion from Dinner Creek. A Hydrological Report generally predicts a one in four wet season likely to yield 5,961 megalitres and a one in four dry season likely to yield 2,169 megalitres from storm water for the Dinner Creek and property catchments.
Natural Water: Euri Creek forms part of the western boundary and Dinner Creek on the East and Southern boundaries. Dinner Creek has semi- permanent holes and runs into Euri Creek on the Southern section of the property.
Irrigation Bores: Number One Equipped with submersible pump reported to supply approx 20,000 gph.
150mm mains and can be used to water northern half of the property via hydrants.
Number Two Equipped with submersible of unknown capacity
and not connected to any main system at present.
Licences: Irrigation Bore Licences:
Licence Number 76632A 359.6 Meg
Licence Number 76469A 110 Meg
Total Allocation 469.6 Meg