-Situated close to Charters Towers, 1 hr from Townsville
-565 Acres / 229 Ha
-Majority of land fenced for grazing
-Planted to 75 acres table grapes
-1.5kms off Flinders Highway (major truck route)
-200 plus megalitre dam, water sourced from Burdekin River
-Manager’s 3BR residence & 3BR workers accommodation
-Shed (36m2), coolroom 60 pallet capacity
-Stockyards (concrete ramp, cattle crush, grading yards)
-Southern Cross pump, fertigation tanks with pumps & much more
Sellheim Park offers one of the earliest producing Table Grape properties in Australia, thus having the advantage over its competitors.
The property has potential to increase the vineyard or produce other agricultural crops as the infrastructure and soil types are there for expansion.
With good average rainfall, abundance of water, close to all amenities, on major truck route & within an hour of Townsville it just doesn’t get better than this. Sellheim Park has it all.
Contact Loretta Paiano 0418 596 789 Tony Roccisano 0418 502 101