Sub-division approved for 23 blocks @ approx 20acres.
Stage 1 Lots 1, 2 and 10-23. Stage 2 Lots 3-9.

Excellent property with two road frontage, elevation with views, undulating lightly timbered, fertile soils, rectangular shape property so no waste country all just 5 minutes drive to Charters Towers. Ergon will make power available from the power line which bisects the property.

Location: Situated 5klm west of Charters Towers on Back Creek Road

Area: 194.25ha (479.8acres)

Country: The property is situated in Goldfields country, is slightly undulating and lightly timbered with Ironbark and Bloodwood trees and pastured with well-established Stylos, Buffel, Urachloa, and native grasses. Quality deep black soils support good pastures and strong livestock production. A small seasonal creek meanders through part of the property. A special feature of the property is the absence of woody weeds and the presence of flourishing pastures.

Tenure: Formerly Lot 1 MPH 21311, Parish of Charters towers, county of Davenport and now subdivided into Lots 1-23 Zoned Rural Residential.

Services: Situated just 5km from Charters Towers the property accesses all the services of a substantial regional town.

Water: The property is well serviced by bores equipped with a windmills and/or pumps operating at approx 25m (50-60ft), which provide water for the stock requirements.

Improvements: The property is presently used for livestock and is fenced into 5 paddocks in very good condition. Steel cattle yards and stock waters are in good working condition.

Stock and Plant: Nil