Easy to manage and safe breeder properties in close proximity to the Central Queensland fattening country capable of carrying 2000 cows is often difficult to find, especially at $1500/beast area! Currently managed with no helicopters, low lick bills and one person running the waters once a week makes this a cost effective operation. The property can be purchased with or without stock.
Location- By road, the property is 80km South East of Collinsville, 110km South of Bowen and 60km South West of Proserpine. The main access is via the Normanby Road along the Peter Delamothe Highway between Bowen and Collinsville.
Area and Tenure- 29,856.8 hectares (73,776 acres) on one GHPL (Perpetual lease) title (29,801ha), a reserve (54.8ha) and one freehold title (995.3sqm). Whitsunday Regional Council rates are approx. $5000/half year and Qld Govt. rent is $3200/half year.
Improvements- The homestead is a solid timber 3 bedroom highest house with full length verandas, hardwood stumps and concreted underneath. The home is in good condition and has recently been repainted. A recently refurbished 8kW solar power system with a 9kva backup generator provides adequate reliable and cost effective power. Communication systems include phone, fax, internet and satellite television.
Sheds include a 2 bay timber workshop and vehicle shed and there is a new steel 9m x 16m machinery shed under construction.
There are two sets of steel cattle yards, both in good condition. The house yards have an overhead draft. The back yards are mostly portable panels.
The majority of fencing is 3 barb with steel posts and in good condition although there are some sections with good conditioned timber posts. There are 12 main paddocks plus several smaller paddocks and numerous holding paddocks.
Water- The property is extremely well watered with several creeks traversing the property, each having substantial supply either with surface water until the middle of the year and then amply supply under the sand. As well as this there are 11 equipped bores mostly pumping about 300-1000ga/hr of good quality water from about 50-80ft to a poly tank and trough.
House bore- Submersible pump and gen set pumping to 2 poly tanks and gravity fed to the house and several paddocks.
Dart Creek spear- Honda pump pumping to tanks at the house.
Southern Cross bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough, pumping from 55ft.
Green Mill bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough, pumping from 80ft.
Grannies bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough supplying two paddocks, pumping from 50ft.
Normanby bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough.
Green Creek bore- Jet pump, two 5000gal poly and concrete tanks and troughs, pumping from 90ft.
Sluice Creek bore- Jet pump, 5000gal cement tank and trough, pumping from 50ft.
Flying Fox bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough, pumping from 60ft.
Dicks Mill- Solar pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough.
Bull Ant bore- Jet pump, 5000gal poly tank and trough, pumping from 80ft.
Cabbage Tree bore- unequipped, water at 80ft.
There are also several dams.
Country- The country is best described as hilly with granite soils and creek flats. It is well grassed mainly with Indian Couch, Black Spear grass as well as some Kangaroo and Blue grass, Seca and Verano stylos. The main timbers are Iron Bark, Bloodwood, Poplar Gum and Moreton Bay Ash. It is all well grassed and useable country and with supplement provides safe breeder country for drier years.
Stock- Included in the price are approximately 700 head of good quality Brahman and Brahman Cross cattle. The breakup includes approximately 500 joined breeders, 200 mixed aged heifers and 21 Brahman bulls.
The carrying capacity is conservatively estimated at 2000 breeders. This could be improved by utilizing some areas currently either running agistment cattle or not used.
Price- $3.4M incl. cattle
Jack Slaney: 0427 877 522
Raine and Horne Ayr
Office: 07 4783 7522
Email: ayr@rh.com.au