This is a profitable family business opportunity with excellent expansion possibilities. The fruit and vegetable stall is situated at a shady location in an 80kph zone at the northern entrance of Gumlu township on the Bruce Highway between Bowen and Home Hill. There is a 2.2 ha road lease the full length of the property allowing excellent advertising exposure and making traffic entry safe with plenty of room for customer parking to this popular market outlet .The outlet is frequented all year round by locals, family and business travellers and throngs of caravanners and grey nomads calling to supplement their fresh fruit and vegetable supplies.

The 100 acre farm has the potential to supply the major portion of produce such as Tomatoes, Mangoes, Pumpkins, Melons, Capsicum, Eggplant etc with further produce such as Honey, Preservatives, Strawberries, Pineapples, Oranges etc can either be sourced locally or from chosen Southern Suppliers.

The farm has bore water with at least four pumps and pipes with outlets to 50 acres of land under cultivation. The remaining 50 acres can be easily utilised without major expense.

There is a full range of tractors and equipment to operate the farm and a large machinery and packing shed with cold room. The vendors have recently relocated a low set timber home to the property and are planning to renovate it. A block of back packer cabins with showers and toilets accommodate workers during the harvesting periods.

The enterprise has unlimited expansion possibilities with some ideas such as fast food outlet, ice cream & coffee bar, children’s playground & farm rides, rest stop etc. This location on the long stretch of Highway offers a welcome stopover for a rest break and a stock up opportunity for fresh produce purchase.

Please call for more information or to arrange an inspection.