Investing in your own business can only mean you have the opportunity and the control to grow. This property is it. Situated in Home Hill and boasting a three bedroom home attached, the present owners have rebuilt it to its present status. Very spacious 270m2 for the shop area, two large storerooms, office and living to the rear. Fully air-conditioned, the building is built of block and cement flooring.
The residence consists of three bedrooms, living/dining, neat kitchen and bathroom with a second toilet. The home also is fully air-conditioned with a large carport attached and great backyard entertainment area for the family. A vast list of plant and equipment to operate this business is available on request. The fully equipped office is set out for attending to all office needs. This property is situated in close proximity to shift workers, so supply of fresh food is always in demand. Takeaway meals, cooked chichens, groceries and fresh fruit and vegies are all available with the possibility to divesify to many other outlets. Fuel bowser is available to the business. The present owners present this property attractively and all costings and financials can be obtained on request to genuine enquiries through accountants nominated. Having built this business to it present status the owners are now in a position to sell and retire. All offers considered and owners will look at all avenues.

Sustainability Declaration available at office.