Work from home, what more could you ask for.
Home and potential business premises all in one.

* Main house 2 bedrooms
* Detached one bedroom unit with amenities
* Multiple external entertainment areas
* spa
* Fully irrigated lawns and gardens
* 943sqm corner block
* Shop floor area of 140 m2
* 3 phase power to the building and large shed

So if you aspire to owning a property where you can live in comfort and run your own business then you should most definitely lookat this property……….

The home has masterful renovations and a 1 bedroom detached unit with small kitchenette and ensuite. This offers you the luxury of a second income or more room for the extended family.

The established gardens, outdoor entertainment area and spa add to the peacefulness and serenity that this home and gardens offers.

There is so much more to see, 3 phase power, shed and even the large solid timber bar, the list goes on…………

If you want to blend home and business then this is the property for you.
Call the LJ Hooker office today to arrange a viewing! 4743 5911