Area & Tenure: 2,962.6 ha ( 7,321 ac ) Freehold. Lot 3 on PG318, County of Pring, Parish of Callingunee, Goondiwindi Regional Council.

Location: 55 km N / E of Goondiwindi on Yagaburne – Boondandilla Rd and frontage to Mt Carmel Rd. .

Services: Three phase power, STD phone, mobile service, Primary school at Kindon, Primary & Secondary schools at Goondiwindi with school bus at front gate. Grain handling facilities at Goondiwindi and Millmerran. Livestock saleyards at Goondiwindi, Dalby & Toowoomba.

Country: Mostly undulating soft Brigalow / Belah, Red Belah and areas of flat Box country. Waterways and farm over contour banks. Good shadelines and tree clumps left in place.

Water: Large lagoon on 14 Mile Creek supplies houses and gardens. 3 bores ( 1 artesian ). Bores supplying tanks, and troughs in most paddocks. Rain water tanks on buildings with pressure pumps connected.

Rainfall: 600 mm ( 24 in ) annual average.

Cultivation: Approx 2,500 ha ( 6200 ac ) is in zero – till farming operation with farm – over contours. Approx 2,600 ac planted to wheat in 2011 with the balance fallowed for summer crops. 1500 ac sorghum to be planted mid Dec.

Improvements: Main homestead is 2 storey 6 bedrooms plus office set in established garden with inground pool and tennis court. Coldroom and butchers room, 2 car garage.
4 bedroom managers home, cottage and large contractors quarters. Numerous machinery sheds and good workshop. 5 stand shearing shed with good yards. Steel cattle yards with crush. Silos – 3 x 155 T, 2 x 140 T & 1 70 T. Gravel pit,
silage bunker, 6 opportunity feedlot pens which hold 600 head.

Remarks: “Trevanna Downs” is situated in the highly regarded Billa Billa area and has a very good mixture of country. The improvements are excellent and this property has a long
history of high yielding summer & winter crops, wool, fat lambs and backgrounding steers.

Contact Sloss & Co First National to arrange your inspection 0746 711922.