LOCATION: Approximately 35km east of Dalby, 64 km west of City of Toowoomba, 8km north of Bowenville
RPD:Lot 1514 Plan A342019 Parish Wienholt; County Aubigny
AREA: 280.447 Ha (693 Acres) 1 Title

COUNTRY/CULTIVATION: Level country box brigalow belah box wilga country with black to brown running into reddish/brown clay soils.
CROPPING: Approx 170 acres fallow, balance sorghum and mungbeans stubble
FENCING: Mainly netting & 4 barb fencing
GRAVEL ACCESS: All weather gravel access through property

REMARKS: Gavonni Farm Block’ is well located with a good mixture of versatile soils to produce high productive crops. Would serve as a good additional farming block to any farming enterprise. Also adjacent to ‘Gavonni’ Homestead block. Well located paddock just north of the Warrego Highway at Bowenville.