890 acres of gently sloping, cleared country running down to black soil flats with a good mixture of grasses and legumes. 75 acres is under irrigation with 25 hp diesel pump, 11 hydrants, 90 Meg dam, and 3 km frontage to Tee Bar creek, weir, water lift, and 9 other dams.
Currently running 170 breeders and progeny through the bad times with room for improvement, theres approximately 70 acres of cyclone fencing to run sheep.
Two homes, the first features three built in bedrooms, large lounge, separate dining, well presented family home. The second is a solid timber cottage with 2 bedrooms and 2 sleep outs.
Other improvement include, three hundred litre fuel tank, machinery shed, double garage, workshop, barn a good set of cattle yards, dip, crush, scales, and head bale.
Located 60 km Maryborough, 50 km Biggenden