SITUATION: Only 27km North East Chinchilla, 111km North west of Dalby and 195 km north west of Toowoomba. Access to property is via bitumen and all weather gravel roads


FACILITIES: Rural Power, rural mail service, school bus, Next generation mobile phone coverage

AREA & TENURE: 397.4Ha (982 Acres) Feehold
Lots 68 on LY716.
County Lytton
Parish Burncluith
Title Reference – 17088247
Dalby Regional Council

COUNTRY: Brigalow/Belah country running back to an area of approx 150 acres of box and ironbark situated on Branch creek with approx 60 acres standing timber.
TIMBER TREATMENT: Approx 160 Acres of cultivation of which approx 60 acres in 2007 planted to oats and under sown with Creeping Blue Grass, Rhodes Grass and Medics. Considerable area has been Blade ploughed in previous years.

WATER: Earth dam equipped with windmill pumping to a tank and supplying 4 stock troughs- Two stock dams, permanent hole in Branch Creek which has very good catchment.

FENCING: Boundary fence is netting with seven internal paddocks.

YARDS: Solid timber cattle yards with vet crush.

BUILDINGS: Three bedroom champher board home with office, lounge, kitchen and wood heater. Two bay steel machinery shed, enclosed on three sides

CARRYING CAPACITY: Fatten 1 beast to seven acres year in year out. Further capacity with utilisation of cultivation for fodder crops.


REMARKS: Good quality cattle block close to Chinchilla with adequate water & improvements for beef cattle operation.