198.51 ha / 490.52 acres (3 Portions) open scrub country mostly flat to undulating rising to steeper country on the southern & eastern boundaries
Flats / front country is pastured w/- creeping blue grass, and balance green panic, rhodes and other native grasses
Watered by 2 dams and 6 bores 2 equipped with windmills (one with tank & trough & one with tank only)
Fenced into 3 paddocks (most of the boundary fencing is good to excellent & southern boundary is fair)
Machinery Shed 14m x 6m open front
Machinery / Storage Shed 12m x 6m (6m x 4m timber floor enclosed)
Older dairy Shed & Piggery Sheds
Timber Stockyards
85% White on PMAV Map