The lease area contains a mixture of dry land cultivation (approx. 76 hectares) and grazing land (approx. 161 hectares) and ancillary land of 9 hectares.

Overview of Properties
Lot 5.
This is an irregular shaped block, easy sloping with a small area of sloping scrub country to the south eastern corner and a normally wet area along the western boundary. Apart from these locations and the areas around the yards and shed, the block has previously been contoured and cultivated. Soil type is good quality red clay loams considered amongst the best in the Coolabunia district. The block is boundary fenced with subdivision fences about the cultivation areas and around the building areas. Stanwell does not warranty the quality of the fencing around the cultivation for grazing purposes.

Lot 6
This is also an irregular shaped block that is adjacent to and worked in conjunction with Lot 5 it is undulating and in patches, steeper scrub grazing country. The grazing country is also red clay looms off to darker loams in patches and is of a high grazing quality. This block is boundary fenced with cultivation areas fenced out and subdivided into several grazing paddocks. Overall fencing is regarded as fair to good and stock proof.

Lot 4
This is an almost rectangular shaped former rural residential block that provides access off Bellbird Road, to the western yards and farm sheds.

Water and Bores (see irrigation plan)

Water is available from a solar pump on the bore (about 33m deep) on Lot 5. This water is pumped to holding tanks and troughs through out the property. The bore has a direct feed to the trough in the western cattle yard, it then feeds a 5,000 gal tank adjacent to the eastern cattle yards on Lot 6 with connections to a trough in that paddock. The bore is also connected to a 10,000 gal concrete tank (in average condition) at the rear of the plateau on Lot 6. From the large concrete tank there is a connection to a cattle trough in the lower grazing area on Lot 5. There are 2 further cattle troughs in the valley on Lot 6. There is a further trough in the lower grazing area of lot 6 however this has been disconnected at this point in time.
Maintenance and servicing of the bores during the term of the lease would be the responsibility of the lessee.
There is a stock dam located in the lower grazing area of Lot 6, with a further 2 x dams along the western boundary of Lot 5, these are seasonal and currently dry.

Relevant Areas of interest.

The buildings located on site are available for the lessee’s use, although Stanwell does not warranty their condition or suitability and in the event that any are unusable or sustain any damage or destruction during the lease period Stanwell may choose to not replace them.
Cattle yards – there are cattle yards located on both lots 5 and 6 that have been refurbished and are in good working condition. The yards in lot 5 comprise a forcing yard, holding yard, drafting yard, crush and loading ramp. The yards in lot 6 comprise two large holding yards, five drafting yards, capped crush, loading ramp and veterinary bail. Attached are 2 additional holding yards.

Farm Agreement:
Following the initial Expression of Interest process Stanwell will identify and notify the successful applicant and establish the lease agreement.
Applications available at Raine and Horne