Situated: 10ks W-N/W Eulo, 86ks W Cunnamulla
Area: 38152 Acres
Services: Eulo town amenities (Hostel/Primary School), 2 mail p/w, all amenities Cunnamulla.
Country: 60% of country local and Paroo flood flats some yapunya, broken open gidgea and coolabah flats and blue bush swamps. Very sweet country. 15% mulga with soft box flats and young mulga. Balance mulga flats rising to open mulga mainly pulled with some stone. Large areas of gidgea pulled or rung.
Rainfall: 14 inches
Water: 3 large artesian bores mainly piped some to natural creek channels and waterholes. Earth tanks and springs create adequate water. Paroo water holes to east of block.
Fencing: Most in good order with some new fencing where needed, mainly 5 wire and barb. Main paddocks and Holding paddocks.
Improvements: 6 Bedroom home stead in solid condition and attached self-contained accommodation, very comfortable.
4 bay machinery shed and other ancillary sheds.
3 stand crutching shed and yards Cattle yards wood posts and cable with panels in working area and steel ramp and bail.
Plant: Bare
Livestock: Bare