To obtain a real feel for this unique 47.15 ha property, please visit the Youtube video at:
There is also extensive additional information available on the Farm Blog at:
Maleny blog <>
The property has multiple attractive features and opportunities including:
Very tastefully renovated 2 storey 4 bedroom house
Separate 1 bedroom studio.
A property assessment was undertaken by the Barung Landcare Association in 2007. (The full report is available at ???). An extract describing the property is as follows:
‘diversity in soil profile types results in a heterogeneous landscape comprised of a matrix of differing & significantly definable vegetation communities ??.. These conditions have allowed a great diversity of flora and fauna species to evolve ?.’
For this reason the property has potential for multiple uses.
It can be maintained in its existing state as a very private secluded lifestyle block;
The established cleared fire access tracks throughout the forest provide great opportunities for
recreational activities through this very diverse vegetation;
Existing timber can be milled in ??ha of certain defined areas;
There is an opportunity to plant trees into an existing 8 ha cleared area;
Tree thinning & revegetation can be undertaken over ?? ha.
The property already includes several varieties of bamboo, which means that there is potential to
expand & develope a very viable bamboo propagation and harvesting enterprise.
This property has a Qld Government endorsed Property Map of Assessable Vegetation (PMAV). This means that there are defined areas on the property that can be milled without further consultation with government beaureaucrats. For further information on the legislative requirements on this area please refer to Queensland Tree clearing Guidelines at:
Sustainability declaration available on request.