. Marlaybrook is located 20km North East of Kaimkillenbun, 42km North East of Dalby, and 15km North East of Bell with access via Dormans Gully Lane.
. 358.58Ha (approx 886 acres) on 3 freehold titles.
. Country consists of undulating to hilly country with a mix of black, chocolate and red soils.
. PMAV in place.
. There are good stands of blue grass with areas seeded to buffel.
. Water is supplied from 2 bores, supplying water to 5,000 gallon concrete tank and trough, 1 x small dam
. Boundary fencing is mainly stock proof with new fencing along the Western Boundary
. Cattle yards are an older set of timber yards with head bale and loading ramp.
. Improvements include a 4 bay timber framed shed with dirt floor
Low cost breeding or fattening country at the foothills of the Bunya Mountains national Park