Situated approximately 8km East of Bell, 47km North of Dalby with all-weather access.
Services to Terrance Hill include rural power, mail service 3 times per week and school bus to Bell with school to year 10. Major grain depot and cattle selling facility are located in Dalby.
Area and Tenure
210.06Ha (approx 519.05 acres) on 2 freehold titles. Rates through Western Downs Regional Council, $535.98 gross per 6 monthly.
Country consists mainly of undulating coolabah country with a strong vine scrub influence and a mix of dark brown and reddish clay soil.
Approximately 80 acres is currently cultivated with contours and another 30 acres has been previously cultivated but returned to pasture. There is a good stand of buffel couch and native blue grass covering the balance of the grazing country.
Water is supplied from 2 medium earth dams and 3 bores, 1 equipped with electric submersible and 2 equipped with mills
Adequate stock proof boundary and internal fencing constructed of mainly 4 barb wires with a mix of timber and steel posts.
Cattle Yards
Cattle yards include a small set of timber yards with crush and loading ramp
Buildings and Improvements
Improvements include a 4 bedroom timber home with 1 bathroom and 2 car accommodation on concrete floor. A hay shed with timber frame and earth floor approx 140m2, machinery shed with timber frame and earth floor approx 70m2 , 2 x silos with a total of approx 70T, dairy building of concrete block construction.