Property is located – 17 Km South Drillham- 24k South West Miles. Bitumen Road plus small distance and all weather gravel road. School bus at corner of property, mail service twice a week, phone and moblie service.

consisting of 640ac freehold
Brigalow Belah Melon-hole Country running back to red soil, Iron Bark Wilga Country. Mostly all cleared except for some light regrowth and shade clumps.

Approx. 500ac has been cultivated- pasture includes Buffell, Bambatis, Natural Blue Grass with herbage in most winters. Watered by 4 main dams and 2 smaller dams, subdivided into 7 main paddocks with smaller holding paddocks near yards. Good set of wooden stock yards with race head bale and load ramp.

This Versatile property is suited for breading back grounding or fattening as it is situated in the heart of grain growing country with major cattle selling centers and feed lots close by.