Situated: 124km South-West of Cunnamulla and 56km South of Eulo on the Hungerford Road. Rural Power, STD telephone and facsimile, TV Reception, twice weekly mail service. Bus and Twice weekly air service to Cunnamulla. Primary School at Eulo.
Rainfall: 330mm (13inches) pa
Area and Tenure: Total Area 56,587.12ha (139,829.6 acres) in eight freehold titles comprising:-
Wittenburra – 40,297ha (99,577.31 acres)
Turn Turn – 16,289.56ha (40,252.32acres)
A Stock Route (Crown Land) provides additional area of 4856ha.
Country: Principally flat to gently undulating excellent sheep and cattle breeding and fattening country with a well-balanced mixture of approximately 1/3 open flooded country, 1/3 sweet pebbly gidyea and 1/3 mulga. The safe flooded country comprises mainly of yupunya fringed with gidyea and open plains growing QLD Blue Bush, Sugar Grass, Green Panic, Mitchell Grass and Flinders and prolific seasonal herbages
Water: 12 low pressure artesian bores delivered through tanks and troughs, 16 Earth Tanks, Numerous water holes in Paroo River
Fencing: All fencing in fair to good order and merino sheep proof.
2 large homes
Shearers quarters
Large 7 Stand Shearing shed
Meat house
2 X Cottages
Machinery shed
Air craft hangar
Excellent Steel Cattle Yards
Large Under Cover Area over Sheep Yards
Carrying Capacity: 14000 DSE (1:10acres)