When it comes to a home that stands out above the rest…this home is the perfect candidate. The renovations will take you back in time to the federation days, yet you will still feel the scope of all the mod cons of todays world. Stainless steel kitchens matched with polished floors and high ceilings gives this house a “I Just wanna stay home today” feeling. You will truly enjoy living here and your friends will definitely enjoy staying. The bedrooms are all very well sized and with 4 of them, you won’t have trouble finding places for heads to rest. The master bedroom also boast a huge ensuite and corner spa….absolutely magnificent country living in town cannot get any better than this!
The traditional Qld verandah is complete with french doors and beautiful breezes, a double lock up garage and double carport will keep the tinkerer happy. Gardens are complete with watering systems.

Walking through this home there is a fresh, clean, open feeling that will keep you wanting more….and don’t worry there is plenty more. The only way to truly appreciate this home is for a personal guided tour. Please contact out staff today!

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