Situation: Positioned 35 minutes Toowoomba, 15 minutes Clifton.
Facilities: Rural power is on McGovern Road, mail service available, school bus service closeby.
Area: Wondavale West: 114.2 Hectares – 284.17 Acres
Sugarloaf: 94.98 Hectares – 234.69 Acres
Total Acreage: 209.18 Hectares – 518.86 Acres
Additional country is available if required, Ballarat’ and Cordoroy’ approx 5km.
Country: The properties have an excellent soft dark, self mulching soil type which produces high yielding crops. The country is contoured where necessary. Wondavale West has a seasonal water way meandering through the property, this is very productive flat for cattle fattening. Sugarloaf has an elevated hill on the Western side of the property which offers protection for winter and summer grazing. There is superb house sites over the property with views across the district.
Cultivation: Wondavale West – 206 Acres
Sugarloaf – 135 Acres. (This years combined sorghum crop averaged 3 tonne per acre).
Water: Wondavale West: A new bore has been drilled and equipped with a solar pump, 178′ deep. The water is currently supplying a cattle trough. A 4,300 gallon tank is position on the hill. Rainwater storage includes 4,800 gallon poly tank connected to the machinery shed.
Fencing: Fencing is in good stock proof condition.
Yards: Sugarloaf has an as new set of Red River cattle yards which has 2 pens, a forcing pen, race, crush and loading ramp. Positioned adjacent to the machinery shed.
Homestead: The properties offers numerous quality house sites if required.
Improvements: Sugarloaf: As new 3 sided 19m x 8m x 5m high machinery storage shed.
Remarks: Wondavale and Sugarloaf are excellent parcels of country and are suited to any grain or cattle venture. The properties work extremely well together but the owners may consider selling separately.