Only 15km North West of Jandowae and 65km North of Dalby an 50km East of Chinchilla

School bus with schooling to grade 10 at Jandowae, mail service 3 times a week, single phase power with phone, mobile phone coverage, satellite internet

Area and Tenure
518Ha, (approx 1,280 acres) on two freehold portions. Rates $2,400 per annum, Western Downs Regional Council

Brigalow/Belah country running back into loamy box country, approx 550 acres of improved pasture of which the majority has been previously farmed

Approximately 730 acres of cultivation with current cropping included sale of approx 140 acres of wheat, 160 acres of barley and 140 acres of oats

Two bores equipped with electric submersibles which supply numerous stock troughs, in addition there are stock dams.

The property is subdivided into 21 paddocks of which have laneway access

Steel and timber cattle yards with an RPM cattle crush and Morrissey branding cradle

Improvements include a homestead which has been renovated within the last five years, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas and craftsman built kitchen with 2 pack finish and glass splash backs. House has been re-stumped with adjustable steel stumps and has a new colourbond roof plus an in-ground swimming pool with established gardens.

75′x50′ machinery shed, 40′x30′ workshop shed with power connected, concrete floor, old dairy shed, barn, bull stalls, double garage lock-up with concrete floor, single car shed, 1×62.5 tonne silo, 5×40 tonne silo, 2×12.5 tonne seed silos

The time is right to buy “Bric-A-Brac” with Land + Plant + Crop = $1,650,000

Versatile cattle and farming property with wheat, barley, oats and machinery and plant included.