“Hillview” Kaimkillenbun (Property Sold)
Clearing Sale
Saturday 4th June 2016 – Sale commencing 9.00am

Vehicles and Machinery:
9660 John Deere Header; McCormack Comb Trailer(30 ft. near new); Massey Ferguson 760 Header; Versatile 835 4WD Tractor; Truck and Dog Trailer; Green Chop/Silage Bins for Truck and Dog; MF 575 Tractor; Case Tractor; ACCO Truck (Not Going) with 15 tonne Grain Bin; Toyota Hilux Dual Cab Ute; 1977 Landcruiser Ute; 1993 Landcruiser Ute; Old Hilux
Farming Equipment:
Gyral Air Seeder; 10 ft John Shearer Scarifier(x3); Fire Harrows; Chamberlain One Way Plough(30 Discs); Napier Chisel Plough(33 ft); 55 foot Boom Spray; Grain Bin on Trailer(8 Tonne)
Conical Base Silo(Mesh Sides – 40-50 Tonnes); 17 ft Gyral Planter(Needs Rams); 40 ft Boom Spray(900 Litres); PTO Augre; Roller(4 Sections); Southern Cross Pump on Trailer; Irrigation Spray Lines; Hammermill mixer; Grain/Feed Storage Bin(2 x 30 tonne sections); Mitze Augre; Hay Rake; Seed Silo(5 Tonne); Fuel Tanks(2 x 3000 Litres)
Circular Saw; Press Wheels; Hammermill; Hydraulic Scoop; 3PL Hydraulic Lay Flat Winder; Rolls of 4″ Lay Flat (x4); Irrigation Pipes (12 x 2″); 6′ Trailing Grader; Tool Bar; 3 x 3PL Scarifiers; Silo Mesh; Calf Race; WIA Electric Welder; Compressor; Bag Elevator; Tractor Tyres (x5); Bath Tub Troughs(x4); Mowers(x5); Bikes(x2)

The details above are those supplied by the vendor and prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of these details.