Situated approx 15 minutes drive from Kilkivan, this property of approx 600 acres provides the buyer with an ideally located, sizeable breeding or fattening area.
The country ranges from Blue Gum flats through to undulating Ironbark country. Useful reserves of timber have been retained on the undulating country.
There are paddocks which have been planted to improved pasture, mainly Blue grass, which is spreading throughout.
The property is divided into 7 paddocks plus a laneway system to the cattle yards. Fencing is in good order. The timber yards are in good order and have a spray race installed. Stock water is provided from several dams. Carrying capacity is approx 70 breeders, subject to seasonal conditions or the equivalent number of grower cattle. There is an older dwelling, suitable for mustering hut or hunting quarters. Priced at $549,000 L/N 6061