This 103.9 hectare property is situated at Gordonbrook on the stuart river.
The property has all been cultivated in the past and is broken into 6 paddocks.
Lucerne and rhodes grass has been planted in 2 of the paddocks which in recent seasons has been baled and sold.
Water is from the stuart river which is pumped into a turkeys nest that supplies the property and dwelling.
The yards are new and have a 5 way draft.
The internal fences are all in very good condition and the boundary fence is mostly in very good condition.
The dwelling is a converted shed which has been extememely well converted into a home and boasts Solar Hot Water System and 4.5 kva Solar Power System. There are 3 bedrooms, buitin air conditioning and all insulated. The shed is 24 metere by 10 metre and the veranda is 12 metre by 3 metre. The rest of the very large shed is used to run a business.
The yard has been extensively landscaped and is really a credit to the owners.
There is 24000 gallons of rainwater storage.
There is aslo a pad laid for a home that is in a great position.
The property also has a registered gravel pit that earns a great income for no outlay and great room for expansion
This property also is the agent for “cattle king” supplements another souce of income.
Also for sale with the property is the “Solar Hardt” solar hot water system francise which is currently run from the home. This is the way of the future for home construction with new laws being enforced shortly.
This property has a very diverse income stream for the right person that sees the potential.

From the 1st of January 2010 a copy of the Sustainability Declaration for this property will be available from the Agent. For more information on the requirements for a Sustainability Declaration visit