Productive sustainable farming. Bitumen road 18kms to Texas QLD. Formerly successful cattle stud (Belmonts), now destocked. Very workable cattle yards with head bale and loading ramp. Mostly new suspension fencing divides 16 paddocks. 9 troughs, gardens and house supplied with clean, sweet water from a bore. Electric pump. Lots of sheds.

Inviting, easy-care established gardens offering shade and protection to the homestead, which comprises three bedrooms plus study, modern kitchen, walk-in pantry, new bathroom and separate toilet, generous living and open east and west verandas. Our sellers, who are retiring, have spent the last eight years restoring this farm to productive sustainability presenting the new owners with exciting choices of income stream. These may include: Natural beef and lambs, organic fruit and vegetables, pasture cropping, forestry.

The hard work of developing Carlton Park has been done. Exceptional improvements include over 20 km’s of fencing, 2km’s of water pipeline as well as various soil conservation measures and enhanced pastures and refurbished cattle yards; approx. 3000 trees planted. The new owners will have the time to make the most of the opportunities presented.