Woodgunnah, Meandarra Qld

Woodgunnah is centrally located approximately 14km north of the Moonie Highway about 115 kms north of Goondiwindi and about 172 West of Dalby and 130kms east of St George.

Area & Tenure
Approximately 2636 hectares, and the land is indicated as Freehold.
Described as Lot 5 on Crown Plan PG 192 Parish of Wallanba, County of Pring
Title Reference 50397855

Approximately 575mm or 23 inches per annum

Mail two times weekly or at Meandarra Post Office, primary school bus available at front gate to Westmar, rural power is connected, telephone and television reception. Grain handling facilities are available at Meandarra or The Gums.

The country is all mainly easy sloping away from the Moonie River on the northern end of the property. It is mostly brigalow/ belah heavy dark clay soils with some light melon hole intrusion on parts running to a small area of low sandy ridge in the centre of the property. The soil quality does appear fairly consistent over most of the property with better softer country to the south where is little or no melonholes. There are no contour banks.
The grazing country has been pulled and raked and has recently had a light regrowth pulling to maintain belah suckers. Most of this country could be easily developed to cultivation with some leveling and raking.
The original timbers are mainly belah and brigalow.
Approximately 1540ha or 3800 acres are developed for cultivation. There is scope to increase the arable area.
Rotational cropping with fallows along with best management practices have this property in a regular cash flow position.

Domestic water is supplied by rain water from catch from the residence and sheds.
Garden water is supplied from the nearby double household dams by way of a electric pressure pump at the dams. These dams are quite deep and have a good permanent supply and can be filled from floodwater in the Moonie River at times.
There are nine dams, mostly double dams and most recently desilted or deepened. Seven of these dams are set up with fencing, mill and tank and troughs to nearby paddocks. Many of the double and multi joined troughs have been updated with single round troughs with guards and cement aprons.

Fencing / Yards
The property is fully fenced with internal and boundary fencing. The boundary fencing is generally good with some netting and mostly seven wires. The internal fencing is stockproof on the northern end specializing in stock.
The centrally located main yards have an all weather gravel access. They are principally lighter framed panel yards with crush, head bail, calf race and cradle and loading ramp. There is a secondary set of yards at the homestead mainly used for loading and short term feeding.

There is wheat and oats planted and the current crop will be harvested/grazed and maintained by the vendor.
There however will be approximately 340 hectares of grain sorghum planted into long fallowed moisture which is included in the sale.

Silos – 640 Tonne in six aerated webster silos
Suit expanding farming operator or backgrounding/fattening
Selling to finalise rural interests for retirement

Inspection is recommended.

10.30am Friday, 9th October 2015
One One One, 111 Eagle St, Brisbane
Mal Gollan 0428132205
Tim Gleeson 0407111775
Ray White Rural Goondiwindi 07 46712077
raywhiterural.com Property ID 1354371