Sutton Grange is watered by 3 dams and Horse Creek at the eastern end of the block. There are 3 holes in the Horse Creek, one of which is permanent and the other 2 are semi permanent. A good balance of Brigalow, Belah, Melonhole country with a mixture of native and improved pastures and cultivation country. Fencing varies from near new to stock proof fencing.
There is presently 620 acres of cultivation with a potential to increase it by a further 800 acres without a great deal of expense. The property has been running 1300 sheep and 50 breeder cows and their offspings (being background out to heavy feeders). With good seasons, the property will sustain 2000 sheep and 100 breeder cows. 520 acres share farmed in grain with 240 acres of chick peas.
The details above are those supplied by the vendor and prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of these details.