Auction Details:
Tuesday 28th June 2016, 11.00am
Mary’s Commercial Hotel, Dalby Queensland

- Good PMAV map, 2 freehold titles, 1437.4 Ha (3551.8 acres)
- 18km Meandarra, bitumen frontage, school bus to front gate
- Quality black and brown clay soils with the balance consisting of red fertile soils
- Predominately Brigalow/Belah country with a percentage of Wilga, Box, Sandalwood
- Grasses consist of Qld Blue Grass, Buffel, Bambatsi and Mitchell Grass
- 1054 acres of cultivation, plus an extra 400 acres previously farmed returned back to improved pastures
- Cattleyards include 5 way draft, rush and ramp
- Well fenced, subdivided into 8 main paddocks with laneway feeding paddocks and yards
- 3 bedroom highset timber home, 30,000 gal rainwater storage, 4 stand shearing shed
- Watered by 8 dams, throughout the property, secure water supply, no water issues in the last 13 years of ownership

Wollambi has been tried and consistently proven its natural ability to perform and produce quality cattle that regularly top the market, year in, year out.