Situation: 25klms nortwest Mitchell
Area: 1,022 Hectares or 2,525Acres
Tenure: Lot 43 on DL 179 GHPL Parish: Aurichen

Country: Brigalow,Belah,Sandlewood, Box country
running back to Box, Ironbark
with ridge running through the property
Approx. 300 acres old cultivation
450 acres blade ploughed and planted
with silk sorghum
Rental Lease: $273.00 per year
Rates: Approx. $420.00 half yearly
Water: Watered by 3 dams approx. 4,000 to 6,000 yards
Paddocks: Fenced into three paddocks, fencing good
Capactity: Approx 120 to 140 breeders