With the deep red soils on “Sylva-Lea” is is ideally suited to buffel pastures. With further development this property will carry in excess of 500 cows.
Area: 5737 ha (14176 acres)
Country: Flat yellow jacket, box, wilga and ironbark country with scattered brigalow, low mulga and pine along creek, Approx 10,000 acres pulled (not raked or burnt), balance standing timber. Buffel pasture well established in most areas
Fencing: Fencing generally in good to new condition, subdivided into 6 main grazing paddocks, plus holding squares
Improvements: 2 Bedroom renovated timber cottage with polished floors, 3 bay vehicle shed, timber yards in reasonable repair, old shearing shed and sheep yards
Water: 6 x dams (3 new) ( 2 x 30,000 yd, 1 x 10,000 yd)
Services: 115 km south of Mitchell all bitumen except for 17 km formed road. Rural power, auto telephone, twice weekly mail service, 4 TV channels
Rainfall: 500mm (20 inches)
Soil Type: Deep red loam soil plus small area heavier clay type
Council Rates: Approx $1000.00 per annum
Carry Capacity: 400 breeding cows plus progeny
The details above are those supplied by the vendor and prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of these details.