Breeder Country (4496 acres 11 titles)
45 minutes Gympie and 15 minutes Kilkivan
Diverse grazing country ranging from scrub soils to forrest grazing to creek flats , native pastures plus Rhodes grass and Wynn Cassia., carry up to 450 breeders plus replacement heifers .
20 dams plus seasonal water holes in creeks .
Solid stock yards with under cover vet crush , calf cradle, plunge dip, water to yards , loading ramp , 6m x 6m lockable shed , 9 large paddocks , plus holding yards . 9m x 9m x 4m Lockable shed , plus Registered Gravel Pit . Fencing generally in good to v/good order being of barb/split post and steel construction .
Property available for sale in various sections >>
1234 acres , mostly cleared , quality soils , pastures include Rhodes , plus selected legumes including wynn cassia and fine stem stylos , 7 dams plus springfed water holes , excl fencing , two main paddocks , plus a registered Gravel Pit .$1.25m
242 acres , plus 60 acres crown land lease , 2 dams , 3 springfed waterholes , creek , v/good fencing , Rhodes grass and wynn cassia , good stands of ironbark and spotted gum , carry 60 heifers or 35 breeders .$299500.