This property comes in two sizes. There is the smaller acreage that fronts Barkers Creek and would constitute about 10 or 12 acres. There hasn’t been any livestock on this part for over 12 months and the grass (and weeds) have all gone to seed. So when I went for a walk down to the creek, I did acquire a good number of seeds stuck in my socks, and on the legs of my trousers. So I sat down on a big log in the winter sun and took my shoes and socks off and pulled the grass seed out at a very leisurely pace. Why rush? It was an ideal opportunity to twiddle my toes while I worked. They tell me you can pull silver and golden perch out of that creek, and maybe I should have thrown a line in just to see.
The other portion across the highway is gentle sloping timber country with two dams. One of those dams had the wall washed out in the 2011 extreme weather event, and has not been fixed. The other dam attracts all the bird life. The southern fenceline is not fenced, and as the neighbour isn’t running any livestock, there hasn’t been any rush to do so. This side of the highway would be a good winter paddock, as it would get a bit frosting down in the creek paddock.
Power runs through both sections, but it is probably 420 volt.
You will need me to define the boundaries for you, so give me a ring and I will set you up with a proper map.