485 acres Freehold land 20 minutes from Goomeri. The soil type is a mix of soft brown soils and black alluvial soil. The country is flat to gentle undulations around the creek and gullies. Approximately 100 acres of iron bark suitable for fence post, yard timber and stays. Rest of acreage selectively clear with majority of improved pastures with a mixture of improved and native grasses with Rhodes, Creeping Blue, Lotononis, Wynn Cassia, Siratro & Clovers. The property is watered by dams. The fencing is in good condition with majority is four barb with steel and wooden posts.
Carrying capacity is approx. 70 to 80 grown cattle depending on the season.
Average rainfall is approx. 28″ per year. This property is set in well sort after cattle country and is priced to sell. $495,000 – LN 4102