Two properties ‘South Comongin’ and ‘Nyngarie’ put together making up 97, 313 acres or prime Bulloo River country. Approximately 45% flood out of Bulloo River, 10% local flood plain of local channels and 45% mulga country. Also *4,000 acres fenced stock route.

Flood Out Country Timbers and Grasses- Yupunyah, Gidyea, Box, Whitewood, Mitchell Grass, Blue Bush, Queensland Blue Button Grass and other salines.
Mulga Country Timbers and Grasses – Mulga, Box, Gidyea, Leopardwood, Beef wood, Mulga Mitchell, Wire Grass, Mulga Oats and a variety of saline in good seasons.
More than 50% of the properties is subject to beneficial flooding from the Bulloo River. The vendor expects a major flood (one with more that 50% of the land area covered) to be received about 1 year in 10. The last major flood was in 2010. Around 3 minor floods are received in a 10 year period.

There are 16 paddocks with around 85% of fencing renewed over the past 10 years. Fencing is mainly 2 barb and 4 plain suitable for sheep and cattle. The owner plans on subdividing 2 large paddocks.

Approx 50 kms of 75mm and 63 mm poly pipe with 11 paddock tanks and 28 paddock troughs. Pump located on Bulloo River with a 620Mono Pump and electric motor; back up on permeant Nyngarie water hole with 520 Mono pump and Yanmar 60 motor.
2 bores equipped with solar pumps. Two tanks and 4 troughs,
One bore equipped with diesel motor and submersible pump; 3 tanks and 4 troughs.
South Comongin connected to Napolon bore with tank and pressure pump for house plus 3 stock water troughs. House also connected to river water with 2 tanks with pressure pump for gardens. House connected to Napoleon bore with tank and pressure pump.
5 earth tanks.
Numerous permanent and semi permanent waterholes.

Carrying Capacity:
Vendor estimates 2,250 Adult Equivalent cattle or 20,000 sheep

Two sets of steel cattle yards, one built in 2017. Laneway to central cattle yards

Agents Comments: These two properties offer the purchaser great breeding country with finishing country that is some of the best on the Bulloo River. The owners have done a good job watering and fencing this property which has made this operation very adaptable to good seasons and dry.