Despite the on-going success of this business the owners have decided to sell. The business has been established for 26 years. The owners have provided Roma with knowledge and quality service, which has seen them to establish a reputable name in the agricultural,industrial and automotive industry.
In Stock: Tools, oil, paint, Automotive lighting,filters, belts,compressors,space cases,pressure washers,tool boxes, safety products,car care products,seat covers, bearings,power transmission products, truck and semi trailer spares, caravan and trailer suspensions parts,power tools,car accessories, hydraulics,exhaust products,hose and fittings,springs and suspension components,hydraulic hoses.
Brands include sidchrome,fragram,kingchrome,beaver,bolle,,castrol,fuchs,
penrite,BSC,narva,hella,hi-chem paint,spitwater,fleetguard,donaldson,wia,uni mig,com-pak, KAB seating.