- 75km north east of St George
- 9,977.46ha (24,654.32acres) Freehold
- 16, 000 acres of developed scrub country which includes 4,000 acres of cultivation country. 150 acres has been developed for centre pivot irrigation. 8,500 acres of semi-open timbered country incorporating 10km of Balonne River flood country. Original timbers include Coolabah, Belah, Box, Wilga, with areas of Iron bark and Cypress pine. The property is growing a variety of grasses including Buffel, Bambatsi, Sarbi, Mitchell & other native grasses & herbages.
- Watered by 15km poly pipe 8 tanks & 26 stock troughs, 7 stock dams & 1 bore pumping 1,600 gal per hour. The Balonne River also supplies permanent water for both stock & domestic.
- 145 meg medium priority allocation licence from the Beardmore dam which includes 20 meg stock & domestic.
- 24 main paddocks & several holding paddocks, 11.7 km of laneway linking most main paddocks to the cattle yards.
- Six bedroom main homestead, four bedroom cottage, 60 x 90 ft machinery shed, hay shed with 200 ton capacity & two sets of steel cattle yards.
- Owner estimates a carrying capacity of 2,000 backgrounding cattle.
Price on Application