“SPRINGDALE” – A grazing property worth inspecting, located just over the border from Stanthorpe (10 minutes East of the New England Highway at The Summit), with an area of 556 hectares (1,374 acres) in 12 titles, comprising granite loams of reasonable fertility supporting mainly open grassland with areas of tree belts and occasional rocky outcrops. Well grassed with a mixture of native species and areas of improved pastures. There is good water from dams and numerous springs, with a 30 year average rainfall of 840mm. The property is fenced into 40 paddocks ranging in size from 4 to 54 hectares. The cattle yards are a good size and located beside the sheds. The carrying capacity is estimated at around 220 breeders. The residenceis well maintained, having 4 bedrooms, office, electric kitchen with dishwasher and a large walk in pantry, lounge with wood combustion heater, separate dining room with oil heater, large family room, bathroom, laundry with shower and second WC, front patio and a side verandah overlooking the well established gardens.”Springdale” is a well known grazing property having been in the Marsh family since 1976. An opportunity to purchase a property of this…show more size in this locality very rarely comes along. Inspection of “Springdale” is highly recommended. Price $2000000.00 Agents in conjunction David Schnitzerling & Co 46 812530 and Crisp Real Estate 46 812177

Property Code: 402608212