Located: Boxview is located about 30kms north of Wallumbilla, freehold on 3 titles, bitumen road. Services: I nclude rural power, telephone, TV and school bus to Wallumbilla. Counrty: Undulating Brigalow, Belah & Bottle tree scrub changing to Box & Sandalwood on lower areas. Approx. 500 acres blade ploughed, remainder is mostly all raked and old cultivation paddocks. The property has areas of established Buffel, Purple Pigeon, Bambatsi Panic, Creeping Blue Grass, Silk Sorghum and natural blue grasses. Vegetation map shows that there are no vegetation concerns. Fencing: is in good to fair. Boxview is subdivided into 9 paddocks Water: watered by a windmill equipped bore pumping to a turkey nest then pumped to a trough and an overhead tank at cattle yards. The tank supplies water to the cattle yards and cottage. The property is also watered by 5 dams and semi permanent waterholes in gully. Improvements: Buildings comprise of a demountable fully self contained cottage with 1 bedroom, bathroom, toilet, kitchen/dining. Also a lockable vehicle and storage shed in good condition. Cattle Yards: Boxview has a sound set of fixed demountable steel cattle yards with vet crush, calf race, drafting pound, loading ramp and large cable receiving yard. Carrying Capacity: The owners run cows and calves and fatten bullocks off grass. Carrying capacity of the property is 140-150 cows and calves.