20 Wilson Dve. Hosts a 4 acre elevated block with native flora and fauna.
Approximately 1.5 acre, depth of 1m-2.8m.dam located to rear of the
property and full of fish.
2 Possible locations for your new home overlooking the dam.
2m x 3m Garden Shed with a large vegetable patch,
located in front of the shed, 2 x 1000ltr.water pods plumbed
to rear of the shed to water vegie garden or just to clean cars.
1 x 6m x 2.4m shipping container fitted on 6 large concrete piers
450x750mm deep fixed with high tensile steel chain,
steel roof to catch water to a 1500lt. water tank to rear of container,
inside fitted with large 3 x 600mm deep shelves fitted
to the rear of the container.
A beautifully located large shed/house totally off the grid,
12mL x 6mW x 3mH with 3mW x 6mL x 3mH carport
overlooking the dam and established gardens.
The shed is powered totally off the grid with a 6.4 KW. Solar System with 20 panels fitted to the roof of the shed, also allowing space to add additional 8 panels to the roof, and lots of power points internally and externally.
The shed is supplied with Free Satellite TV, and Satellite NBN Internet.
The Solar System fitted allows you to use, Welders, Power Tools, Lights, Washing Machines, Dryers, and pumps, Kitchen Appliances.
SMA Sunny Island Inverter with a 6.4Kw. Battery to run all your appliances at night, Fans, Lights, TV’s, Computers and kitchen appliances.
The SMA is a flexible Storage System, can be wired to your
new home and still be off the grid.
Expandable to 11Kw. of power, by adding additional 8 panels and a new 6.4Kw battery fitted parallel to existing battery.
The shed boasts great features, Paved seating area out the front,
a fully fitted high tech 0007 Insulation to walls and roof, guaranteed 10-12 degrees cooler in summer, and 10-12 degrees warmer in winter,
Also fitted to bottom and top external shed walls have vermin proofing, and making the internal shed wind resistant.
Also Fitted a 3.5Kw. Mitsubishi Invertor Air Conditioner,
Keeping you cool/warm during the day.
Creature Comforts, 3m x 3m ensuite extension to the shed has a shower, with room for a Washing machine, dryer,
Eco-Flo waterless toilet with 2 large waste bins placed under the extension allowing 6months use, before recycling back into the soil.(www.ecoflo.com.au)
Red gum bench with hand basin, shelving, and mirror, large window.
The ensuite is beautifully appointed with recycled timber and
Mini Orb steel,
Fully insulated walls and ceiling with vermin proofing.
Large 21lt. gas Dux Instantaneous hot water system with
2 x 9lt. gas bottles.
5000Lt. Water tank with pump and filter servicing ensuite and shed.
Backed up by a standalone 3 stage grey water system with a 45lt.
Grease trap for kitchen sink, 450Lt. Sump well and submersible pump to water grass/garden beds, Also supplied by Eco-Flo.
I urge all buyers to inspect this incredible property