Fish Farm
16 x 10,000lt grow out tanks – 3 x 10,000lt purging tanks – 32m x 6m x 1.6m settling tank
4 x 35,000lt concrete grow out tanks – 5m x 2.4m concrete sump – 2 lift pump airators
Swirl separator, screen filter, bio filter (23,000lt), 2 x 3phase regent pumps
Backup diesel pump, auto swirling gear, 20ft transportable office, 20ft insulated shipping container for storage, 1000lt transport tank, oxygen meters plus more.
16.14 hectares of grey loam soil fenced into 2 paddocks, 3 stock dams, underground mains to grow small crops, trees or run a cow or 2 with 20 mgl bore alloc.,
Large highset 4 bedroom home with verandah each end and Granny Flat and entertainment area underneath above ground pool with decking, lockup garage, kids play area, house yard fenced.
So much to this property you need to check it out