A private and well priced 41.37ha (102.22 acres) property less than 2km from the Baffle Creek. It is approximately 7.5km to the Pacific Ocean. This area is graced with refreshing coastal breezes. Expansive stretches of beach with secluded estuaries and coastal reef.

This property has dual road frontages both of which initially are bitumen. The second road has you closer to all the secret delights of Deepwater.

There is some fencing in place but it is much in need of repair.

This property is 10m above sea level with two “defined drainage depressions” on the southern side making for some ideal dam sites.

The entire property has been zoned pale orange which is sub-dominantly of concern remnant vegetation. There are some good stands of hardwoods.

Regional Ecosystems in this area are primarily 40% 12.11.6 which is Open-forest to woodland of Corymbia citriodora generally with Eucalyptus crebra. Other species such as Eucalyptus fibrosa subsp. fibrosa, E. exserta, E. tereticornis, E. moluccana, E. melanophloia, Angophora leiocarpa may be present in scattered patches or in low densities. Understorey grassy or shrubby. Occurs on Paleozoic and older moderately to strongly deformed and metamorphosed sediments and interbedded volcanics. This is not of concern.

A further 30% is 12.5.5 which is Eucalyptus portuensis, Corymbia intermedia woodland on remnant Tertiary surfaces. Usually deep red soils. This is of concern.

The remaining 30% is 12.5.7 being Corymbia citriodora +/- Eucalyptus portuensis +/- C. intermedia, E. fibrosa subsp. fibrosa, C. trachyphloia, E. moluccana (lower slopes), E. crebra (drier sub coastal areas) or E. siderophloia, E. exserta open-forest. Occurs on complex of remnant Tertiary surfaces and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. Usually deep red soils. This is of no concern either.

The facilities of Baffle Creek are 6kms away with general store, tavern, postal agency, rural supplies and bottle shop. A kiosk in a nearby caravan park is only 9km away. There are several boat ramps within close proximity.

Annual rates on the property are approximately $1000 payable to the Gladstone Regional Council.

Mapping on our own website is accurate.

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