This property is 48.54 hectares is size or just under the 120 acres and comes with a small set of stock yards and improved pastures. Some of the improvements to the pasture are Katambora Rhodes, Callide Rhodes, Creeping Bisset Bluegrass, Setaria Splenda, B1 Burgundy, Mega Stylo Mix, Signal Grass and the list just goes on. At the moment this property needs a road train full of hungry steers to eat the mountain of feed down so you could actually see the cattle from the back veranda. In addition to the excellent body of feed there are 6 dams with estimate holding capacity of approximately of 30 megalitres. A large amount of this property is deep rich red soil and indicates excellent growth for all types of cropping.
This property has a solid steel framed 4 bedroom home with car port and entertainment area. This block has all the ticks and no crosses loads of shed space excellent boundary fences good water not far out of town and very quiet just normal farm land living.